CIF: B13971114
Calle de les Moles 10, 2º 3ª, 08002– Barcelona (España)
Establish contact form.
Clear and accurate information will be provided on the price of the product or service, indicating whether or not it includes applicable taxes and, where appropriate, shipping costs.
– Price of 100 ml fragrances. Including VAT.
– Shipping is included in the price.
– Provide the customer service email contact@genyum.comTIEMPO DE ENTREGA
– National orders: 15 working days.
– Orders to the European Union: 15 working days.
Shipping is free for orders over 150 euros. The shipping cost is paid by Genyum.
We ship to countries within the European Union.
As soon as we have processed the shipment we will send you a link to the shipping company with the tracking number.For those orders placed on genyum.com, you have a period of 15 days from the shipment of the order to return it, the cost of the return will be borne by the customer.
The product must be in the same condition as it was received: it must retain the complete original packaging, including the plastic wrap. Once the condition of the product has been confirmed, we will proceed to refund the full amount within 10 working days to the account from which the order was placed.
If, unfortunately, the packaging is broken during shipment, please send us a photograph to contact@genyum.com.
The steps to follow for the return are:
1. Send an e-mail to contact@genyum.com with the following information:
- Subject: perfume return. Order nº XXXX
- Body of the e-mail:
- Order number
- Number of products to be returned.
- Reason for return
- Include photograph in case it has suffered breakage in transport.
- Name and Surname, Telephone and e-mail contact.
2. You will receive an e-mail confirming the return with the details to be included in the package.
3. Pack the product you wish to return together with the invoice and send it to the address indicated in the e-mail (point 2).
Genyum perfumes purchased in other perfumeries, will follow the return policy of each one of them.GENYUM FRAGRANCES, S.L.
CIF: B13971114
Calle de les Moles 10, 2º 3ª, 08002– Barcelona (España)
Establish contact form.
Clear and accurate information will be provided on the price of the product or service, indicating whether or not it includes applicable taxes and, where appropriate, shipping costs.
– Price of 100 ml fragrances. Including VAT.
– Shipping is included in the price.
– Provide the customer service email contact@genyum.com
– National orders: 15 working days.
– Orders to the European Union: 15 working days.
Shipping is free for orders over 150 euros. The shipping cost is paid by Genyum.
We ship to countries within the European Union.
As soon as we have processed the shipment we will send you a link to the shipping company with the tracking number.
For those orders placed on genyum.com, you have a period of 15 days from the shipment of the order to return it, the cost of the return will be borne by the customer.
The product must be in the same condition as it was received: it must retain the complete original packaging, including the plastic wrap. Once the condition of the product has been confirmed, we will proceed to refund the full amount within 10 working days to the account from which the order was placed.
If, unfortunately, the packaging is broken during shipment, please send us a photograph to contact@genyum.com.
The steps to follow for the return are:
1. Send an e-mail to contact@genyum.com with the following information:
- Subject: perfume return. Order nº XXXX
- Body of the e-mail:
- Order number
- Number of products to be returned.
- Reason for return
- Include photograph in case it has suffered breakage in transport.
- Name and Surname, Telephone and e-mail contact.
2. You will receive an e-mail confirming the return with the details to be included in the package.
3. Pack the product you wish to return together with the invoice and send it to the address indicated in the e-mail (point 2).
Genyum perfumes purchased in other perfumeries, will follow the return policy of each one of them.